Temple Ewell Parish Council meets at the Lower Village Hall Hall on the last Tuesday of each month starting at 7.15pm, with the exception of August and December when no meeting is held. In April, the Parish Council meeting is replaced by the Annual Parish Meeting which features reports from the Parish Council and other local organisations.
Chairman: Glenn Mousley (Tel: 01304 824121)
Vice-Chairman: Dr. Michael Parks
Councillors: Andrew Bateman, Martin Bowman, Charles A Lynch, Mrs Kylie Marsh,
Mrs Anne Newington, David Prescott, Stuart Wilson.
Details of the declared disclosable pecuniary interests of the Councillors can be found by following link below:
(Councillors have the option to not have their details published in order to protect their personal security)
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer: Andy Howard-Grigg (Tel: 01304 361774)
District Councillors (Dover Downs & River) David Beaney (Cllr-david.beaney@dover.gov.uk) &
Mark Rose (Cllr-mark.rose@dover.gov.uk Tel: 07733 080861)
County Councillor: David Beaney (Cllr-david.beaney@dover.gov.uk) 07818 024487